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s1 15 Daddy Loses his Glasses


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I'm Peppa Pig
This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa Pig.

Daddy Loses his Glasses!

Daddy Pig wears glasses.

He needs to wear glasses to see clearly.

When Daddy Pig wears his glasses,

everything looks fine.

But when Daddy Pig
takes his glasses off...

...he can't see things clearly.

Everything looks a bit soft and fuzzy.

So, it is very important
that Daddy Pig knows

where his glasses are.

Sometimes, Daddy Pig
loses his glasses.

Peppa, George. Have you seen
Daddy Pig's glasses?

He can't find them

No, Mummy.

Peppa and George do not know

where Daddy Pig's glasses are.

Oh, dear. Daddy Pig cannot
see a thing without them

and it makes him very grumpy.

Without his glasses on,

Daddy Pig cannot read
his newspaper.

This is ridiculous!
I can't see anything!

Somebody must have
put my glasses somewhere.

Do you remember
where you last put them,

Daddy Pig?

When I don't wear them,

I always put them
in my pocket.

But they aren't there now.

Daddy! Can we help find
your glasses?

Good idea, Peppa.
If you find them,

Daddy will stop
being so grumpy.

I'm not grumpy.

Peppa and George are
looking for Daddy's glasses.

Peppa looks under the newspaper.

But Daddy Pig's glasses
are not there.


George looks on
top of the television.

But Daddy Pig's glasses are not there.


Let's look upstairs in
Mummy and Daddy's bedroom!

Peppa and George are looking in
Mummy and Daddy Pig's bedroom.

George... be careful not to
knock anything over.


It's not funny.

Peppa looks under the pillows.

But Daddy Pig's glasses
are not there.


George looks in
Daddy's slippers.

But the glasses
are not there, either.

Let's look in the bathroom!

Peppa and George are
looking in the bathroom.

The glasses are not in the bath.


The glasses are not in the toilet.


Hmm ! It's too difficult.

Peppa and George cannot find
Daddy Pig's glasses anywhere.

We've looked everywhere.

But we can't find Daddy's glasses.

Oh, dear. Now, what can we do?

I suppose I'll just have to
learn to do without them...

If I move slowly,
I won't bump into things.

There they are!
Daddy's glasses!

Daddy Pig. You were
sitting on them all the time!


Silly Daddy!

I don't know how they got there.

I wonder how!

Well, you may have been a bit silly,

Daddy Pig, but at least
you're not grumpy anymore!

I was not grumpy.

I'm Peppa Pig. This
is my little brother, George.


bathroom [ˈbɑ:θru:m] n. 浴室;厕所;盥洗室 {zk gk cet4 ky ielts :2404}

bath [bɑ:θ] n. 沐浴;浴室;浴盆 vt. 洗澡 vi. 洗澡 {gk cet4 ky ielts :2551}

silly [ˈsɪli] n. 傻瓜 adj. 愚蠢的;不明事理的;没头脑的 n. (Silly)人名;(匈)希伊;(法)西利 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :2789}

upstairs [ˌʌpˈsteəz] n. 楼上 adj. 楼上的 adv. 在楼上,向楼上;上楼;往楼上 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3067}

toilet [ˈtɔɪlət] n. 厕所,盥洗室;梳妆,打扮 vt. 给…梳妆打扮 vi. 梳妆,打扮 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3550}

ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjələs] adj. 可笑的;荒谬的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3632}

pillows [ˈpiləuz] n. 枕头(pillow的复数);靠垫 v. 靠(pillow的三单形式);搁在枕上;给…当枕头 { :4017}

bump [bʌmp] n. 肿块,隆起物;撞击 vi. 碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行 vt. 碰,撞;颠簸 adv. 突然地,猛烈地 n. (Bump)人名;(英、西)邦普 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5504}

fuzzy [ˈfʌzi] adj. 模糊的;失真的;有绒毛的 n. (Fuzzy)人名;(英)富齐 { :7326}

hmm [m] abbr. 隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model);Hardware Maintenance Manual;Hyundai Merchant Marine { :7392}

slippers ['slɪpəz] n. 拖鞋(slipper的复数形式) { :8779}

grumpy [ˈgrʌmpi] n. 脾气坏的人;爱抱怨的人 adj. 脾气暴躁的;性情乖戾的 {toefl gre :17444}

argh [ ] [网络] 唉呦;生气;这趟没去成马祖

be careful [ ] [网络] 小心;当心;注意

be careful not to [ ] vt.当心不要

bump into [bʌmp ˈɪntuː] v. 偶然碰到;邂逅;遇见;(意外)撞到 [网络] 撞上;碰见;撞见

in the toilet [ ] [网络] 在厕所里;在厕所里时;上厕所和洗手

it's not funny [ ] [网络] 不好玩;这个不好笑;这样并不好笑

the toilet [ ] [网络] 厕所;卫生间;正规

are not there
daddy pig

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